HPE Ezmeral
Bonfire Labs - San Francisco, CA
HPE was launching a new software portfolio that would help their enterprise customers transform their digital platforms from the edge to the cloud. We worked with the team at HPE to develop the concept, look and execute the video. The visuals had a life beyond the video in promotional materials and marketing campaigns. Using photoreal CG we brought viewers deep inside the beauty of an emerald, showing them how Ezmeral transforms your business from an uncut gem to a beautiful polished stone.
My Role: Creative Lead, Designer, Editor, Compositor & Motion Graphics
Produced by: Bonfire Labs
Producer: John Hunt
CG Designer & Animator: Eric duPlessis
Style Frames
A sample of some frames and renders we used to illustrate the journey from a raw and uncut stone to a polished gem.
The Concept
Before we dove into the painstaking 3D animation we wanted to give our clients a taste of what was in store. Using a great deal of reference and motion tests we were able to show the process of going from raw to shaped to polished.
Motion Tests
A sample of the R&D and look development that went into creating the titles and the gem itself